通過虛擬現(xiàn)實(shí)技術(shù),我們可以穿越時空,回到過去,親身體驗(yàn)體育史上最激動人心的時刻。從拳王阿里在馬尼拉的世紀(jì)之戰(zhàn),到邁克爾·喬丹帶領(lǐng)公牛隊創(chuàng)造 72 勝神話,再到梅西在世界杯決賽中的制勝一球,這些經(jīng)典瞬間都將再度在你眼前重演。
虛擬現(xiàn)實(shí)技術(shù)打破了傳統(tǒng)觀賽方式的局限,讓你仿佛置身于現(xiàn)場,與運(yùn)動員并肩作戰(zhàn)。你可以在 Virtual Reality 觀眾席上高呼助威,感受來自全場的熱烈氣氛。你甚至可以在比賽結(jié)束后與冠軍們互動,分享他們的喜悅和榮耀。
英格蘭超級聯(lián)賽官方網(wǎng)站自己去看吧`` 都是英文的一、活在埃弗頓的陰影下 1878年,利物浦的同城對手埃弗頓俱樂部成立,他們當(dāng)時在安菲爾德球場進(jìn)行比賽。 1892年,一次關(guān)于商業(yè)運(yùn)作的爭吵導(dǎo)致了內(nèi)部的分裂,一部分人離開安菲爾德,遷移到古迪遜公園球場,俱樂部的名字仍然是埃弗頓。 俱樂部主席約翰-霍爾丁和另一部分人留在了安菲爾德,由于注冊時晚了一步,他們無法再使用埃弗頓這個名字,后來霍爾丁決定,改用整個城市的名字來命名俱樂部,于是在1892年3月15日,利物浦足球俱樂部成立了,1894年,俱樂部確定了紅色的隊服。 早期的利物浦隊 由于埃弗頓的存在,利物浦一開始的生存是艱難的。 約翰-麥肯納(John McKenna)成為了俱樂部歷史上第一位主教練。 在此之前,很多球員離開安菲爾德去了埃弗頓,麥肯納不得不到蘇格蘭去尋找球員。 在那里,他一口氣招募了12名隊員,但是也正因?yàn)檫@樣,利物浦的受關(guān)注程度遠(yuǎn)不及埃弗頓,因?yàn)楫?dāng)?shù)厝瞬辉敢馊ビ^看一支由蘇格蘭人組成的球隊比賽。 在第一次申請加入足球聯(lián)盟被拒絕后,利物浦只能在蘭開夏郡聯(lián)賽中比賽。 1892年9月1日,他們在安菲爾德踢了自己的第一場比賽,7比1擊敗了羅塞漢姆隊,巧合的是,就在同一天,埃弗頓也踢了搬遷到古迪遜公園后的首場比賽,結(jié)果來到安菲爾德觀賽的球迷只有寥寥數(shù)百人,而去看埃弗頓踢球的人卻超過萬人。 兩天后利物浦隊踢了他們在蘭開夏聯(lián)賽的首場比賽,利物浦隊再次以8-0的懸殊比分獲得勝利。 因?yàn)榭完牭倪t到,這場比賽被推遲了幾個小時才進(jìn)行。 這次又是只有幾百名球迷目擊了球隊的大勝。 比賽這天利物浦隊的隊長麥克韋恩在擲硬幣中獲勝,他選擇了朝著安菲爾德路的方向開始上半場的比賽。 直到今天,很多利物浦隊的隊長都沿襲著這個傳統(tǒng)。 俱樂部的首場正式比賽是1892年9月3日主場對陣沃爾頓,然而這次利物浦隊再次以8-0取勝。 1年后,利物浦被接納進(jìn)了足球聯(lián)盟,但在第一個賽季里就不幸降級,不過12個月后,他們以乙級冠軍的身份殺了回來,在第二年里又在甲級聯(lián)賽中排名第五,第一次高過了死敵埃弗頓。 在隨后的10多年中,利物浦雖然幾次經(jīng)歷降級的打擊,但也有兩次奪取聯(lián)賽冠軍的輝煌(1901、1906),他們終于在利物浦城站穩(wěn)了腳跟。 二、香克利的革新 在50年代之前,利物浦又三次奪取聯(lián)賽冠軍(1922、23、47),但進(jìn)入50年代,球隊卻陷入了低谷。 1953-54賽季,利物浦在甲級聯(lián)賽中排名墊底,降入了乙級,之后數(shù)年內(nèi),紅軍都在乙級聯(lián)賽的泥潭中掙扎,卻無力脫逃。 香克利簽約! 1959年12月,在前任主帥泰勒辭職后,利物浦做出了一個后來被載入史冊的決定,任命霍斯菲爾德隊的教練比爾-香克利(Bill Shankly)為新主帥,結(jié)果這位傳奇般的人物在5年里將一支在乙級中掙扎的球隊變成了英格蘭甲級聯(lián)賽冠軍,并且就此奠定了利物浦的霸主地位。 香克利在接手利物浦之前,進(jìn)行了很多鋪墊,此前球員的轉(zhuǎn)會權(quán)在董事會手里,但經(jīng)過談判,出生在蘇格蘭的香克利成了第一個能夠自由挑選球員的主帥,而且大到轉(zhuǎn)會決策、小到球場草皮的修繕,他都下大力氣整改。 當(dāng)時效力利物浦的球員羅杰-亨特回憶說:“香克利上任后,給俱樂部帶來了很多新東西,他說服俱樂部在購買球員上投資,改造了很多訓(xùn)練方式,我們還得到了全新的訓(xùn)練設(shè)備,球場也從泥濘不堪變得綠草茵茵,香克利就像一股新鮮空氣,給球隊帶來了新生。 ” 在入主后的12個月里,香克利對球隊進(jìn)行了大換血,1年時間里被他賣掉的球員就達(dá)22人,引進(jìn)球員則是按照他的建隊理念來判斷。 當(dāng)時的利物浦球星莫蘭回憶說:“他給我們帶來了很多小型的分隊練習(xí),這種訓(xùn)練方式非常好,而過去我們總是在練習(xí)跑步。 ”同時,香克利還是心理學(xué)大師,據(jù)利物浦50年代的球員希克森回憶,香克利總是輕蔑的評論如博比-查爾頓這樣的巨星,為的就是給球員增加信心。 第一次足總杯稱雄 1959年12月19日,香克利輸?shù)袅说谝粓稣奖荣悾锲?比4慘敗給卡蒂夫。 但在他的執(zhí)教和影響下,紅軍開始了明顯的上升勢頭,60年代初,利物浦不但升回甲級,而且逐漸成為了一支勁旅,在香克利執(zhí)教期間,大批天才球員來到利物浦。 凱文-基岡(Kevin Keegan)、托沙克(John Toshack)等人,構(gòu)建起一支令人畏懼的隊伍。 1963-64賽季,香克利第一次率隊奪取了聯(lián)賽冠軍,紅軍霸業(yè)初成。 1965年,利物浦第一次奪取了足總杯冠軍,之后的一年又稱雄聯(lián)賽。 1973年,香克利再度奪取聯(lián)賽冠軍,同年還拿到了歐洲聯(lián)盟杯,1974年的足總杯冠軍則是他送給利物浦的最后榮譽(yù)。 1973-74賽季結(jié)束后,香克利意外的宣布辭去主教練職務(wù),60歲的他打算更多的和妻子尼斯以及家人在一起,這個決定一度震驚了利物浦城。 1981年9月,香克利因?yàn)樾呐K病去世,他的好友、前曼聯(lián)傳奇主帥巴斯比爵士在聽到這個消息時,悲痛的在電話中長時間說不出話。 三、青出于藍(lán) 香克利辭職后,繼任者的合適人選只有一個人,鮑勃-派斯利(Bob Paisley)。 派斯利是利物浦球員出身,此前長期輔佐香克利,熟悉球隊情況。 不過一開始,派斯利并不愿意接手,香克利留下的成績太輝煌了,任何繼任者都要面對巨大壓力,最終,利物浦董事會花費(fèi)很大努力說服了他,派斯利正式上任。 利物浦應(yīng)該感到幸運(yùn),他們?yōu)橄憧死业搅艘晃怀錾睦^任,派斯利的成就甚至超越了香克利,在執(zhí)教的9年時間里,派斯利為利物浦帶來了驚人的19座冠軍獎杯,其中包括6次聯(lián)賽冠軍(1976、77、79、80、82、83)、3次歐洲冠軍杯冠軍(1977、78、81)、3次聯(lián)賽杯冠軍(1981、82、83)、1次歐洲聯(lián)盟杯(1976)、1次歐洲超級杯(1977)和5次慈善盾冠軍(1974、76、77、80、82)。 香克利開創(chuàng)了一個時代,派斯利則把它發(fā)揚(yáng)光大,在這位不情愿的繼任者手里,利物浦不僅僅奠定了英格蘭霸主的地位,而且還成為了那個時期歐洲最好的球隊。 偉大的派斯利 1976-77賽季,利物浦第一次染指歐洲冠軍杯,紅魔在歐洲賽場打上了自己的烙印。 在羅馬舉行的決賽中,對手是門興格拉德巴赫,麥克德莫特率先破門,在對手扳平后,基岡沖入禁區(qū)獲得點(diǎn)球,尼爾罰進(jìn)了最關(guān)鍵的一球。 “我們?yōu)閲亿A得了榮譽(yù),這也是我最成功的時刻,”派斯利在賽后說,“不過我不想喝酒,我要清醒的體驗(yàn)現(xiàn)在的每一秒,今晚我和教皇會是羅馬最清醒的兩個人。 ” 1978年,利物浦蟬聯(lián)了歐洲冠軍杯,并于1981年再度捧杯,派斯利將紅軍帶上了最高峰。 對于這位神奇的主教練,愛將達(dá)格利什(Kenny Dalglish)有這樣的回憶。 “他是所有人中最偉大的,他對于足球的認(rèn)識令人驚嘆,有時候他看著球員走上兩步,就知道是否受傷了或者傷在哪里。 不會再有像派斯利這樣的教練了。 ” 1977年,當(dāng)基岡離開后,派斯利將達(dá)格利什簽下作為替代者,結(jié)果后者成為了利物浦歷史上的傳奇巨星。 同時被派斯利簽下的還有索內(nèi)斯(Graeme Souness)和漢森(Alan Hansen),他們構(gòu)建了新利物浦的骨架。 1982-83賽季后,派斯利辭去了利物浦主帥,法甘(Joe Fagan)成為了他的繼任者。 1996年,派斯利去世,利物浦在安菲爾德球場修建了派斯利門,向這位傳奇致敬。 四、海瑟爾慘案 1983年,利物浦告別了派斯利時代,繼續(xù)向前邁進(jìn)。 在主教練法甘的帶領(lǐng)下,他們延續(xù)著輝煌。 1983-84賽季,利物浦奪取了聯(lián)賽、聯(lián)賽杯的冠軍,并在意大利擊敗了羅馬,再次稱雄歐洲冠軍杯。 此時的利物浦令所有對手畏懼,10年里7奪英聯(lián)賽冠軍、4捧歐洲冠軍杯,紅軍開創(chuàng)了一個偉大的王朝。 但是,1985年5月的一場禍?zhǔn)聟s讓這一切戛然而止,利物浦的災(zāi)難性轉(zhuǎn)折突然到來,這就是海瑟爾慘案。 1985年5月29日,利物浦與尤文圖斯在冠軍杯中交鋒,地點(diǎn)在比利時布魯塞爾的海瑟爾體育場。 由于球票工作的混亂,現(xiàn)場沒能把利物浦和尤文圖斯的球迷分隔開,甚至出現(xiàn)了雙方球迷互相摻雜的看臺。 開賽前一個小時,沖突爆發(fā),利物浦的球迷發(fā)起了攻擊,尤文圖斯球迷四散而逃,在擁擠至一道圍墻時,年久失修的墻壁突然倒塌,39個球迷遇難,其中有38名尤文球迷。 為了忘卻的紀(jì)念 在隨后進(jìn)行的比賽中,尤文圖斯1比0擊敗利物浦,奪取了冠軍杯。 紅軍傳奇前鋒拉什回憶說:“發(fā)生那樣的事情后,決賽已經(jīng)注定不會有完美的結(jié)局了。 我認(rèn)為當(dāng)我們的羅尼-威蘭被絆倒絕對應(yīng)該判罰點(diǎn)球,而他們那個點(diǎn)球的犯規(guī)地點(diǎn)其實(shí)是在禁區(qū)外的。 但相對于那天的慘案來說這些都已經(jīng)不重要了。 我們都沒有心思去比賽了,你去問問有誰是在真正比賽的,即使你去問尤文圖斯的隊員,他們也沒有心思認(rèn)真踢了,那已經(jīng)不像是冠軍杯決賽,簡直就像一場游戲。 似乎我們都只應(yīng)付著踢完比賽然后急著去看看我們的家人以及其他所有人是否都還好。 ” 海瑟爾慘案后,歐足聯(lián)做出了重罰,英格蘭俱樂部被禁止參加歐洲賽事長達(dá)5年,而利物浦的禁賽期則為7年。 就這樣,紅軍在歐洲的輝煌突然中斷,沒有人能說清如果慘案沒有發(fā)生,那支強(qiáng)盛的利物浦還能奪取幾次冠軍杯,但自那之后,紅軍和英格蘭足球元?dú)獯髠?,一場人為的慘劇成了歷史的轉(zhuǎn)折點(diǎn)。 五、走下神壇 在球員兼教練達(dá)格利什的率領(lǐng)下,利物浦希望走出海瑟爾慘案的陰影。 1986年,紅軍奪取了聯(lián)賽和足總杯的雙冠王,值得他們驕傲的是,獲得兩項(xiàng)賽事亞軍的都是埃弗頓,利物浦將同城死敵牢牢的壓在身下。 那支傳奇般的紅軍 在達(dá)格利什手下,拉什、巴恩斯、比爾茲利等天才球員延續(xù)著利物浦的輝煌,他們是英格蘭技術(shù)最好、配合最流暢的球隊,他們可以長時間的互相傳球,而讓對手摸不著球。 在利物浦王朝最后的輝煌中,這支紅軍3奪聯(lián)賽冠軍,3捧足總杯,他們是利物浦人最后的驕傲。 希爾斯堡慘案帶給了利物浦又一個沉重的打擊。 1989年4月15日,超過2萬5千名利物浦球迷南下希爾斯堡體育場,去觀看利物浦與諾丁漢森林的足總杯半決賽。 他們之中有96人走上了不歸之路。 當(dāng)天陽光明媚,本應(yīng)是雙方俱樂部和球迷的節(jié)日,但最終卻發(fā)生了英格蘭足球歷史上最恐怖的災(zāi)難。 在希爾斯堡慘案中,Leppings Lane看臺發(fā)生騷亂和踩踏,96名利物浦球迷喪生。 悼念亡靈 巴恩斯在回憶這次悲劇時說:“希爾斯堡慘案使我弄清了人生的重要意義。 在那之前,我總是要讓一切都充滿希望。 但發(fā)生在Leppings Lane看臺的悲劇使我不禁認(rèn)真思考自己的人生。 足球失去了它的意義,足球并不是生命的全部,也不應(yīng)該是生命的結(jié)局。 當(dāng)96名球迷在一場比賽中喪命,孩子們失去父親或者父親失去了兒子時,足球還能是什么呢!香克利說過‘足球不僅是事關(guān)生死的事,而且重于生死。 ’在那一刻似乎不再正確。 足球只不過是一場比賽,一場游戲,或許值得追求,但又豈能與生命本身相比?” 1989年的希爾斯堡慘案讓利物浦再一次元?dú)獯蟠?,在那個賽季,他們在大好形勢下將聯(lián)賽冠軍拱手讓給阿森納,球隊士氣陷入空前的低迷。 雖然一年后重奪冠軍,但卻已是夕陽余暉,那支曾經(jīng)讓全英格蘭乃至整個歐洲畏懼的利物浦走上了下坡路,進(jìn)入90年代,曼聯(lián)的崛起取代了紅軍的霸主地位,一個王朝宣告覆滅。 六、新時代的轉(zhuǎn)機(jī) 1991年,達(dá)格利什不堪重壓辭去了利物浦帥位,后由索內(nèi)斯繼任,但這卻是俱樂部一個糟糕的決定,索內(nèi)斯沒有帶來成就,離開時卻留下了不少的問題。 1995年,羅伊-埃文斯(Roy Evans)出任利物浦主帥,第一個賽季就率隊奪取了聯(lián)賽杯,在他的手下,利物浦著重年輕化,建立起一支富有激情的隊伍。 在那個時期,一批優(yōu)秀的年輕人進(jìn)入了人們的視線。 福勒(Robbie Fowler)、歐文(Michael Owen)、麥克馬納曼(Steve McManaman)、雷德克納普(Jamie Redknapp)……但在埃文斯的手下,這支球隊卻沒有贏得過任何重大賽事的獎杯,在球迷的呼聲下,法國人霍利爾(Gerard Houllier)進(jìn)入教練組,和埃文斯聯(lián)合執(zhí)教,并在幾個月后成為主教練。 在他的帶領(lǐng)下,利物浦在2001年取得了新的輝煌,他們獲得了足總杯、聯(lián)賽杯和歐洲聯(lián)盟杯的三冠王,既而又稱雄歐洲超級杯,成為了當(dāng)之無愧的杯賽之王。 時代的交接 不過,聯(lián)賽中的糟糕成績,還是讓霍利爾付出了代價,2004年夏天,利物浦迎來了主教練的更迭。 西班牙人貝尼特斯(Rafael Benitez)走馬上任,這標(biāo)志著一個全新時代的開始。 在他執(zhí)教的頭兩個賽季里,拿到了兩項(xiàng)重要賽事的冠軍。 2004-05賽季,利物浦在冠軍杯決賽0比3落后的情況下神奇逆轉(zhuǎn)AC米蘭,登上了歐洲之巔,貝尼特斯也成為繼切爾西主帥穆里尼奧后,第二個在兩個賽季里接連奪取聯(lián)盟杯和冠軍杯的現(xiàn)役教頭。 2006年,利物浦再次上演神奇逆轉(zhuǎn),擊敗西漢姆奪取了足總杯冠軍。 2006年6月,貝尼特斯和利物浦續(xù)約4年,他期待率領(lǐng)紅軍邁向更高峰,并向著闊別16年的聯(lián)賽冠軍沖擊,利物浦也希望在這位掌門人的帶領(lǐng)下,重演當(dāng)年香克利和派斯利時代的輝煌
求布萊爾在“2008奧運(yùn) 冠軍論壇”上演講的演講稿
布萊爾官網(wǎng)上找的Speech to What Makes a Champion? in BeijingCHECK AGAINST DELIVERYThis is Chinas moment. A moment to celebrate its culture, civilisation and achievement. A moment to thank the Chinese people for their warmth, their ingenuity and their enterprise. A moment to recognise that whatever the challenges - political, social and economic - there is, in this country, the will, the determination and the humanity to make the future work for China; and in partnership with other nations and cultures, to make it work for people makes a Champion? We must start with an uncomfortable truth: natural talent helps and especially in sport!I remember still, almost 45 years ago now, running in my first competitive race at my school Sports Day. I remember the running track, grass freshly mowed. A sunny day. The race was over 440 yards. Four times round our small track. I settled in behind the lead runner, calculating to overtake him on the last bend before the straight run to the finish. The race went to plan until just as I reached the bend, I tried to sprint forward. Suddenly, my legs just didnt have the energy. The mental will was there. The physical capacity was not. I remember that feeling of shock and disappointment now as clear as I did then, the disconnection between desire and ability. I still have my silver cup for coming second. But silver was not what I wanted. I wanted will applaud the champions of the Olympics knowing that most of us would never have been able to do what they have I chose to try to be a champion in a different field and it is also true that most people have innate talent at something. Champions are not just athletes. They are scientists, entrepreneurs, artists, philanthropists. They are people who the world sees in photos and on TV, people of fame and wealth. But they are just as often people no one outside a small circle has heard of: champions of compassion, of fortitude under suffering, of works of humanity towards others. Such champions often enjoy less fame or fortune when alive; but are more often commemorated after death. They are champions of the human it is right that not everyone can be a champion. But many, perhaps even most of us, have the capacity to do something exceptionally well. Most of us have a issue is: how to develop that gift? What are the qualities that take the talent and turn it into an achievement, that translate the ordinary into the extraordinary?Because for sure, there is a part, perhaps even the major part of being a champion that is not to do with natural physique or natural intellect but is to do with character, attitude, the dimension of the mind that can be discovered and developed. You can improve. You can, in doing so, cross the line between the average and the good and in time even the line between the good and the can be dangerous to describe rules of improvement, to try to codify the qualities. Champions are about exceptions, not , I believe it is possible to identify characteristics you find in champions. I have chosen , success comes to those who strive. Striving is a better concept than merely being competitive. In the Bible, Jacob is renamed after wrestling with God whilst asleep. He was thereafter called Israel meaning striving with God. To me, striving is more than wanting to be the best. It means even if you are the best, striving to be better. It is the product of a spirit that is restless for still greater things. It can mean a state of perpetual dissatisfaction, certainly with yourself. Of course, it shows up in a strong competitive streak when in a race, be that in sport or a political campaign or anything else. But it is also an attitude that illustrates that the competitor is as much competing with himself as with others in the same , champions are creative people. They are innovative. They are always pushing to the new frontier. They dont accept the givens of any field of endeavour. They challenge them. They are non-conventional people. Anyone I have ever met in any field, who is successful, is creative. That applies, incidentally, to the lawyer or the banker as much as the artist or thinker. The creative process is always fascinating to behold. It begins with an analytical capability that is free, not hidebound; not shackled to what has gone before. I always found in politics that people had an amazing predisposition to conduct a debate within very defined parameters. This is what to be left-wing meant. This is what right-wing meant. This is the way the state works. This is how public services or welfare systems operate. Within the parameters debate is lively. But the parameters themselves are rarely challenged. Creative people challenge the parameters. They go back to the first principles of a subject. They ask not the superficial but the profound brings me to the third quality. Champions are endlessly inquisitive. I begin every day, hoping to learn something new. I regularly contemplate the vast expanses of my ignorance. I was hopeless at science at school. I regretted it ever since. I would love to learn about it now. But even in my chosen field of politics I am always searching for new insights, for original thinking, for something that makes me think anew and afresh. This also means knowing you can be wrong. You may have to re-think, and possibly radically. The characteristic of a champion is that they are prepared to do of this takes application and hard fourth quality is therefore self discipline. That is more than just the hours you put in. But it is the discipline to lay aside other pleasures and concentrate hard on your own development. It is about focus and single mindedness. I remember meeting a famous pop star once who you may have thought was just a good time rock and roller. I asked him: how do you do it? and before he could reply, his partner said simply: he is the most disciplined person I know. It is not just about deciding to work rather than spend an extra hour in the bar. It is about absorption in your task, about deep not shallow thought, about getting down to the core of what you are trying to achieve. It is about not accepting second best; about knowing in your heart, when something is not good enough and can and should be better. Notice that this is self discipline. Past a certain point, you and only you can provide that intensity of fifth quality is courage. No champion is without courage. It may be physical, it may be intellectual. It may be of mind or body. There is no greater courage than that shown by the Paralympians. These are the people who have not just demonstrated the normal will-power of champions, but in doing so have overcome by their passion to succeed their disability. Their courage gives hope to all. Special salutations to is invariably found in a champion. Inevitably a champion is out in front. Championship is like leadership. When things are in the balance, when you cannot be sure, when others are uncertain or hesitate, when the very point is that the outcome is in doubt; that is when a leader steps forward. The soldier who comes to help his fallen comrade. The health worker who risks their life to save the lives of others. The political activist who stands up for what is right when what is right is not what is popular or expedient. This is the person who when the mantle of responsibility is floating free reaches out and puts it on. The courage lies not in acting without fear; but in acting despite people are the people who are prepared just to go for it; to back their instinct when their instinct is all the certainty they are going to get. Taking the uncalculated risk is just foolhardy. But a calculated risk is still a risk. Calculate too much and you miscalculate. You wait for the perfect moment when such moments rarely if ever exist. At a certain point you have to step forward, with an insecure terrain beneath your this means is that you must also be prepared to fail. This is the sixth and possibly the toughest quality of all. The strange irony of the champion is that the champion must be able to live with failure as well as enjoy success. The very act of courage, of leadership that sees you step out into the unknowable, carries with it the possibility of defeat. You must be willing to be humbled as well as exalted. You must accept that the risk, however calculated, may not pay of the most common reasons why people dont strive is the fear of failure. Yet virtually no one I have ever met who has succeeded, has not failed first. The question is what you learn from the experience, what you learn not just about the process of competing, but about yourself, the strengths you should exploit, the weaknesses you must seventh quality is one some will disagree with; but which I think is the most essential of all. I believe that if you are to be a true champion, you must be motivated by more that you. If the striving is purely selfish, if the love of personal achievement is purely the personal glory, something is missing; some aspect of championship that is elusive in definition but critical in action, Some people may see this in spiritual terms; that is one way of looking at it. Another way is simply a belief that to achieve to the highest level and beyond, to extend the frontiers of human knowledge or activity, is in and of itself, something good or worthy, noble even; that fulfils a purpose beyond your own recognition of your own self is a reason why so many people who are champions look to use their success in helping others. Such a sentiment is located somewhere in the champions character. It is the same reason you chose Nelson Mandela to launch this idea at the Sydney Olympics in the year 2000. Over the next three to six weeks or so of the Olympics and Paralympics, this city will be sparkling with the glittering accomplishments of the greatest sporting event in the world and billions around the world will share in the expectation, excitement and exhilaration of it we know in this same world, there is poverty, ignorance, and disease all of it preventable if humanity had the will. We know there is conflict and discord where fellow human beings suffer and die. We know there are challenges like the changing of our climate, which call us to take responsibility and to month it is the Olympics. Next month, with rather less fanfare and publicity, will be the UN General Assembly where we will debate the Millennium Development Goals set by the worlds nations in the year 2000 and due to be met in the year 2015. At present we will not meet them. We will fail, and if we do, the price is paid in the lives and misery of those who also would like to strive and compete in the worlds myriad of opportunities to be champions, but who true champion is not just a winner. He or she is a person of compassion, of humanity, motivated by a sense of obligation to others as strong as the will to succeed for as we think of the champions who will stand proud on the podium, with their medals, with their nations anthem ringing in their ears, let a part of the Olympiad spirit that is about human dignity as well as human achievement, take us to the places in our world desperate for our help. Let us hear the cries of the poor, dispossessed and oppressed, and summon up the true character of the champion to answer once again to the Chinese people. We are delighted to share in your pride and happiness. We wish this great country of China well for the Olympics and Paralympics. Thank